
Podcamp Boulder 2009

I am continually impressed and inspired by Boulder's Tech community and last Saturday's PodCamp Boulder, billed as the New Media UnConference, did not disappoint. New Media, as in anything audio, video, photo, bloging, etc. UnConference as in a participant-driven conference. Threadless donated the space, Slice of Lime donated the food, Flying Dog donated the beer and people brought their passion, passions ranging from wordpress programing to podcasting to to social gaming to dancing Thriller. With the encouragement of Jeremy Tanner, Jared Kohlmann and I teamed up for an hour discussion on the technical and artistic aspects of photography called Non-Suck Photography.

Saturday Jared brought lots of toys from the land of photography fun that is ProPhotoRental.com and I showed up with my laptop, a sheet of paper full of notes that I had scratched down all morning and a bundle of nerves in my belly. Once we started my nerves vanished and I found that I didn't need my notes. With the help of a great audience, Jared and I talked about the basics of photography, some of the common artistic methods, and differences in file formats and before we knew it ( literally! someone had to tell us ) our hour was up. We had only scratched the surface not even getting to half of the topics we had thrown up on the board, I'm pretty sure we could have gone on for another couple of hours. For the next hour Jared passed out the toys he had brought and people started playing around with the concepts we had talked about either with their own camera or one of ProPhotoRental's. We hung out answering questions and watching everyone have fun with their cameras but eventually we had to pack up and go home.

After getting home ( and while watching the Thriller dance session via qik ) I was overwhelmed by how much fun I had and was excited that Jared and I had done that together and that Jeremy had convinced me to join in. The next one ( because I can't imagine that there won't be a next one ) I hope to spend the whole day there, participating in other people's passions and, if people want to hear it, talk more about photography.

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